1 year
Employment and Community Services, Section 2. Quality Individualized Services and Supports
For an organization to achieve quality services, the persons served are active participants vin the planning, implementation, and ongoing review and revision of the services offered. The organization’s commitment to quality and the involvement of the persons served spans the entire time that the persons served are involved with services. The service planning process is individualized, establishing goals and measurable objectives that incorporate the unique strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences of the persons served. Services are responsive to the expectations of persons served and their desired outcomes from services, and relevant to their maximum participation in the environments of their choice. This curriculum examines how employment and community services programs ensure a comprehensive program structure with staffing designed to maximize opportunities for persons served to obtain and participate in needed services. Persons are actively involved in the direction of their services, which are responsive to identified needs and expectation. Content also address the provision of medication services; how employment programs can effectively support the achievement of identified employment outcomes; and how community programs can support persons to participate in their communities of choice to the degree desired. Also included is a course on the specialty standards for programs that deliver services via information and communication technologies.
Curriculum content
This 2023 course describes how an organization designs and plans its services around the individualized needs and desires of the persons served, and supports the participation of the persons served in decision-making that affects the person's life.
This 2023 course provides an overview of safe practices and responsibilities for medication monitoring, which refers to the practice of providing secure, controlled storage and access for medications self-administered by the persons served, and medication management, which is the practice of prescribing, administering, and/or dispensing medication by qualified personnel.
This 2023 course provides an overview of standards related to employment service design for both persons served and employers, and addressed the unique considerations when an organization maintains an employer/employee relationship with persons served. Standards support a continuous focus on the persons served, the personnel needs of employers in the organization's local job market, and procedural compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The 2023 standards covered in this course support organizations in assisting persons/families served in obtaining access to resources and services. Services consider the preferences and unique needs of persons/families served, maximize informed choice and participation, and respond appropriately to signs of aging-related decline and dementia when appropriate.
This 2023 course focuses on standards related to delivering individualized services through information and communication technologies. Standards address written procedures; training provided to personnel, persons served, and families/support systems; considerations related to privacy/confidentiality; equipment maintenance; and emergency procedures.